Thursday, April 02, 2009

Back with Elvis Costello

It's been too long since I've posted... just busy work-wise and sad personal-wise to deal with my blogs but I'm excited about Elvis Costello's Spectacle show finally being shown in Canada on CTV!

I first posted about this a while back and more recently here...

I won't repeat what was said in my past posts, only to add that the National Post carried this article today on the show.

I enjoyed the article and am really looking forward to the show. I hope you'll watch it too... Some quotes from the article follow:

"They try to compare it to a talk show, but [David] Letterman goes on five times a week with three people every night," Costello, 54, says. "I could never go on that often -- there aren't that many witty people in the world."

"Any host, really, just has to set the scene," says Costello, who writes every show and draws upon his huge musical knowledge in talking with guests such as Herbie Hancock and Elton John. "I steer the conversation toward a subject I'm interested in -- that's really all I'm suited to do."

Costello's onstage familiarity with jamming gives his show an improvised feel. What began with a dependence on a teleprompter gave way to playing with his guests by ear.

"The show really changed with Bill Clinton," says Costello, explaining how the former U. S. president's people informed him he'd only have 45 minutes to shoot. However, the famed raconteur and, according to Costello, quite able saxophonist made it clear he was in no hurry to leave.

"I'd only written about 20 minutes of questions, but found the last part of our program was the best bit," he says. "I still spend loads of time researching, but perhaps I'm not the weak conversationalist I thought I was."

May the Muse be with you... this Friday at 10:00 p.m. on CTV (and for 13 shows in total!)

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