Well, a word to the wise... be CAREFUL with Second Chance offers on eBay. I missed out on the Feist auction and felt sad about it (my previous post). Then, lo and behold, I received a Second Chance offer 6 days later... but wait, then I received a second Second Chance offer... I sent these off to spoof@ebay.com and, yes, as I suspected, they were not authentic... In the meantime, I had also emailed the vendor (Feist's friend I presume) who advised that the winning bidder was a true bidder: "she honestly really really wanted to win the auction. she has been, apparently, taking singing lessons for years and has always dreamed of singing on stage. i didn't know her, but i've corresponded with her a bit since the auction closed and i can assure you she just wanted to win the damn thing." Well, good for her! I wish her all the best and I'm sure she'll do great...
I think I'm going to contact her (the winning bidder) and see if she can keep me up to date on when she's going to perform... maybe I'll go and think... 'ah, there but for the grace of God, go I'...
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