Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Up Yours #2

Okay, I stayed up late last night to cobble together a woeful music video for the Up Yours competition. I chose Lovers' Limbo using video from an old movie (Mirror Mirror) I did in school with a friend of mine (Ariane who appears in the video) for Steve's FilmFest (Steve being my friend, Steve Scarrow, now Regional Director of Promotions and Marketing with A-Channel in Vancouver).

There was a joint theme in both the movie and the song of a lovers' triangle happening in the background, but without words, and needing to trim an 8 minute video down to 3... well, there's certainly a lot of stuff that is lost in the translation when you cram two different works into one...

Anywho, check it out... Hey, it's only 3 minutes of your life so don't get too peeved...

Ci vedimes...


Anonymous said...

It's a lover's triangle? One guy looks like a stalker who keeps getting rejected! Hopefully not you?

Renz said...

It's not that creepy... I wouldn't say I was stalking there... and the song is about the "other guy" (NOT a stalker, but rather in the relationship) who, yes, gets rejected for the past lover his other has...

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