Saturday, April 21, 2007

Up Yours #4

Well, go figure, I wasn't one of the 10 finalists... You can view the finalists and vote here.

An interesting comment, and if you see some of the videos you'll see that half of them look very professional, and some don't... it appears that some of these artists are already signed to record deals... For example, a nice poppy song by Lindy called Window had this remark attached to it:
  • This contest is bs if you are letting artists who are already signed to UNIVERSAL make the top 10...Lindy is great but he shouldn't be here
I did get another favourable comment ("Nice tune!" - thanks brucedaviddubowski) for Lovers' Limbo, so hey, I'll take that... I don't have a deal with Universal...


Anonymous said...

Crazy Dave Dubowski! He's the guy in North Carolina who recorded my songs! Right on, Dave!

Renz said...

Small world... very cool...

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