Tuesday, July 17, 2007

FACTORing Technology

I received a letter from FACTOR today that contained the following:
  • We attempted to assess the song submitted however the song file provided would not play through the various means we tried.
I don't know why I can't get the technology on my side when I've embraced it so...

I took a feedback course at SongU last week and that was the same problem (I was able to upload the song during "class" so I was able to have my song heard and receive feedback on it)... You'd think that since I rely on technology so much that it would be kinder to me...

Live and learn...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maybe take your cd to their office at 30 Commercial Road near Laird and Eglinton?
Liana says she gave up on Factor because they only select big money groups.

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